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Jacob Jones-Goldstein • November 6, 2019

Indiegogo Campaign Launches This Week!

This upcoming Saturday, November 9th, Oddity Prodigy Productions will be launching an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for our upcoming anthology “Scary Stuff!” This is our very first crowdfunding campaign and we’re all pretty excited. 
When we started OPP we saw it as a way to support each other in our creative endeavors. Eventually as we moved into the idea of doing our own publishing and finally formed our company, we talked a lot about crowdfunding. Our goal since we decided to start publishing has been two-fold. The first, and most important, goal is to do what we can to lift up other new creators when we can. To this end “Scary Stuff” features several brand new authors for whom this will be their first time in print. We’ve mentioned it on the podcast a few times, but from personal experience that first time holding a book with my work in it was huge for me and being able to give that experience to other writers is something we’re very proud of. 

The second goal was to be able to make enough with each project to fund the next project. This starts with “Scary Stuff” and this Indiegogo campaign. We want to make sure that our first full anthology is as good as it can be, and this is the best way to insure that. 

We didn’t jump into this blindly. We’ve spent a lot of time researching how best to run a campaign and how to provide the most bang for our supporters buck. We’ve talked to a number of people who have run successful Kickstarters and Indiegogo’s, particularly Caleb Thusat whom we met at Baltimore and was an enormous help. At this point we feel like we’re prepared and ready to go. 

We’re also really excited. The book is going to be incredible. As one of the editors, I’ve read all the stories and I am deeply in love with each and every one of them. I’m genuinely in awe of the writers who contributed and cannot wait for you to read them. 

It’s not just the writing. The comic art and pinups in the book are equally incredible. It’s going to be a special volume. 

To that end we’ve finalized our levels of backing and there are a variety of ways to get the book and some fun extras at the higher levels, including original art and autographed copies. 

You’ve probably seen some posts about it already, and you’ll likely see a whole lot more over the next month. Keep an eye out here for any updates and be sure to check out the Indiegogo once we’re live. 
By Nicholas Leamy March 16, 2020
There's something I recently realized about myself. It begins with an internal dialogue I had about dividing authors up into two types. The first type of author I thought about was the author, who is writing a story for you, the audience. It's going to be a story with certain expectations that make it a mystery, romance, or some other type of established genre. They know what you are looking for, and you are going to get it. I want to be clear; I am not bad-mouthing these stories. Many established writers can be unique and clever in their own right and still fit this idea, like James Patterson. The author can really put their own sense of self and cleverness into their story. Though, in time, this too can be expected by you, the reader, and becomes another binding. In the end, they are writing for you, and you are the final decider. Then, there are the types who are not writing for you. In fact, it has nothing to do with you. Yes, they hope you'll buy it. Yes, they hope you'll read it. Yes, they hope you'll love it. But in the end, none of that mattered in its creation, because it was never about you.
By J. Patrick Conlon February 10, 2020
“You’re going to submit something to Scary Stuff?” I remember both Jacob and Nicholas looking at me with raised eyebrows when I told them that I was going to submit a story for our first submission-based anthology. I’ve always had a very rocky relationship with the genre. Bad things happening to people for no reason gives me nightmares. Fiction was always an escape, a chance to slip into a world where heroes did heroic things, and evil always carries the seeds of its downfall. In horror though, most often the bad guys win. Even if the villains don’t win in the end, the heroes always lose for the majority of the narrative. That kind of story, which usually is supposed to fire your adrenaline and allow you to live vicariously through situations that you would never survive otherwise, just keeps me up at night and gives me anxiety. Something funny happened though. I read through the submission guidelines, and it suggested to read Creepy and Eerie magazine to get a feel for the tone to strike in your story. I hadn’t read either before but I headed online to see if I could find some examples. What I found was an archive of the old eerie comics, and in reading through them I discovered a world of horror that I never knew about. It shouldn’t have been surprising that the genre is not body parts flying through windows and heavy gore, but if something was labeled as horror I would just take a pass. The few movies that I have seen that might qualify as horror ( The Universal Monster movies , Resident Evil , Aliens ) are not horror movies for me. They are all either black and white films from an era where the limits of special effects neuter the impact of the horror, or are action films that happen to use a few horror elements. So when asked if I would like to see/read/hear about horror, I would politely decline.
By Shasta Schatz October 24, 2019
I legit cringe every time I hear that question, and as a hobby costumer (more on that later), I hear the question, nay, judgement, a lot. My humble beginnings as a child in love with playing dress up are fairly standard, but my journey to sleep-deprived costume fairy was fraught with side-eyes and etymology shade. If you’re even a little curious about the cackling voice you hear during our Oddity Podigy episodes, grab an over-sized mug of Earl Grey and I’ll rant a bit about why I’m here--both on this blog and in my hobby.
By Jacob Jones-Goldstein October 14, 2019
In September of 2018 I took a seat in a favorite movie theater in Fairfax, VA. I had a bottle of water, a bag of popcorn, and a whole lot of trepidation. I was there to see the new adaptation of Stephen King’ s seminal novel “ It ”. I saw the original It TV mini series as a kid when it aired and fell in love with it, even though I didn’t read the book till much later. It was a well told coming of age story, filled with fascinating characters, and a scary-as-hell Tim Curry as Pennywis e. The special effects are pretty dated, but otherwise I think the original holds up pretty well. It does a great job getting at the core themes of the book. Themes like friendship, loyalty, fear, bravery, and the sepia-tone haziness of childhood summers as puberty exploded our emotions in a million intense directions. When the lights came up in the theater, I had very much enjoyed the new film. I liked it more when I saw it a second time a few weeks later, but that’s almost always the way with adaptations. The first time through tends to feel more like watching a checklist than a movie. “Ok, so they did the scene with Bev in the bathroom, but they left out the deadlights? Huh.” The second time through I was able to take it in on it’s own merits. It certainly had problems but overall did a good job and made for a really entertaining movie. It also made a metric ton of cash, and so the sequel got fast-tracked. After enjoying the first one, I was very excited for the follow up.
By Jacob Jones-Goldstein October 9, 2019
In the ancient ritual of comic book fans everywhere, I made a trip down to my comic shop this past Wednesday. If you’ve followed Oddity Prodigy Productions at all, you’ll know that the shop in question was Captain Blue Hen Comics. It was a solid week of comics. The new issues of Shazam and Freedom Fighters came out, two books I’ve really been enjoying. There was an appearance of Naomi in Action Comics, which is exciting. The mini-series introducing her was a recent highlight. That’s not what I’m here to talk about however. One of the fun things that Captain Blue Hens does is ask a question of the week. They put it up on a board behind the counter and ask everyone who comes by to vote on the answer. This week’s question was “Who are the best superhero buddies?” As you can see in the pic, there are ten options.
By Jacob Jones-Goldstein September 13, 2019
Jake talks about the influence and power of Akira, one of the most evocative visual stories ever told in pop culture history.
Gideon Falls
By Jacob Jones-Goldstein September 8, 2019
A rundown of recent comics, TV and movies that the OPP bullpen is finding to be worth your time.
Scary Stuff
By Jacob Jones-Goldstein September 5, 2019
Scary Stuff submissions are in and now the fun begins for Oddity Prodigy Productions as they choose which ones to go with.
Movie poster of American Gothic
By Nick Leamy August 20, 2019
Midsommar is one of those movies that has the power and subtlety to put you on edge and then keep you there, even when you are not exactly sure how. Much like 1988's American Gothic
A typewriter, the hipster tool of choice for IPA's like Jacob Jones-Goldstein of Oddity Prodigy
By Jacob Jones-Goldstein July 24, 2019
About eight years ago I wrote a novel called “The Change” and it’s the story of a young man growing up on his own in a world overrun by what are essentially zombies. The story delves into concepts of faith, living in a dangerous world, and rock and roll.
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